adele. tribute – simple music world

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adele. tribute – simple music world

A list of awards of this outstanding singer includes 15 Grammy Awards, 18 Billboard Music Awards, 9 Brit Awards, 5 American Music Awards. The song „Skyfall“, which became the main theme of the James Bond movie, won Oscar and Golden Globe Award. Adele has been repeatedly included in the Guinness World Records and has been named one of the most influential women in the UK

Feb 25 2024


Date: 25. Februar 2024
Time: 18:00 - 20:00
Cost: 55€
Veranstaltung Categories: ,
Website: Visit Event Website


Halle 424

Stockmeyerstr. 43
Hamburg, 20457 Deutschland

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  • Einlass:17:00
  • Konzert: 18:00
  • Lounge

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Simple Musik Ensemble LLC

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